JT (Jonathan Tsay)
I am interested in how people acquire motor skills. I hope to apply my research findings to improve people's outcomes during rehabilitation. Before arriving in Berkeley, I studied mathematics and physical therapy at Northwestern University. Outside the lab, I love to learn and experience nature. I completed Taiwan’s Coming of Age tradition: summited Jade Mountain (Taiwan’s highest peak), swam across Sun Moon Lake (Taiwan’s biggest dam), and circumnavigated the island on a bike.
We have recently developed an open-source online reaching experiment template called OnPoint. Please use and share freely for research, for students, for demos etc (GitHub, paper, Video Description, How-to-Manual). If you want to try out an experiment and find out how your "learning ability" compares with others, click here.
We have recently developed an open-source online reaching experiment template called OnPoint. Please use and share freely for research, for students, for demos etc (GitHub, paper, Video Description, How-to-Manual). If you want to try out an experiment and find out how your "learning ability" compares with others, click here.