Najafi, T.*, Tsay J.S.*, Schuck, L., Wang, T., Ivry R.B. Parkinson's disease does not impair implicit sensorimotor adaptation. Harvard Trends in Psychology Summit 2021 (poster)
Chandy, A., Tsay J.S., Wang, T., Wang, Z., Ivry R.B., Morehead J.R. Motor Biases are Persistent and Consistent. Harvard Trends in Psychology Summit 2021 (poster)
Saban, W., Ivry, R. PONT: A Protocol for Online Neuropsychological Testing. BeOnline 2021 (video)
Wang, T., Avraham, G., Tsay, J.S., Ivry, R.B. Implicit adaptation is attenuated by variability in feedback timing. Neural Control of Movement 2021 (poster + supplementary, video)
Tsay, J.S., Kim, H.E., Haith, A.M., Ivry R.B. Sensory re-alignment model. Neural Control of Movement 2021 (poster + supplementary)
Avraham, G., Pakzad S.S., Ivry R.B. Revisiting sensitivity of implicit visuomotor adaptation to errors of varying magnitude. Neural Control of Movement 2021 (poster, supplementary, video)
Avraham G., Parvin D. E., Kim H. E., Morehead J. R., Ivry R. B. Desensitization upon Relearning for Implicit Sensorimotor Adaptation. Society for Neuroscience 2019
Merrick, C. M., Dixon, T. C., Lin, J. J., Chang, E. F., Carmena, J. M., Knight, R. T., & Ivry, R. B. Kinematic encoding model of ECoG activity in the contralateral and ipsilateral hemisphere during a reaching task. Society for Neuroscience 2019.
Tsay, J., King, M., McDougle, S., Pitt, B., Ivry, R. Continuous Representational Transformation: Evidence that the Cerebellum Coordinates Movement on the Mental Number-line. Society for Neuroscience 2019.
Avraham G., Taylor J. A., Ivry R. B., McDougle S. M. Is Visuomotor Adaptation Classical Conditioning? Neural Control of Movement 2019
Tsay, J., Avraham, G., Parvin, D., Wang, Z., Kim, H., Ivry, R. The Effect of Visual Uncertainty on Implicit Motor Adaptation. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2019.
Awareness of implicit adaptation during reaching. Society for Neuroscience 2018
Darius E. Parvin, Jonathan Tsay, Odeya Kagan, Richard B. Ivry
A Multi-Domain Task Battery Reveals the Functional Topography of the Human Cerebellum. Society for Neuroscience 2018.
King, M., Ivry, R.B., Diedrichsen, J.
Savings for Implicit Adaptation to Small Errors. Society for Neuroscience 2018.
Guy Avraham, Darius E. Parvin, Hyosub E. Kim, Richard B. Ivry
Striatal prediction errors in a decision-making task are modulated by action execution failures.
Society for Neuroscience 2018.
Samuel D. McDougle, Peter A. Butcher, Darius E. Parvin, Faisal Mushtaq, Yael Niv, Richard B. Ivry, & Jordan A. Taylor
Use-dependent biases due to movement repetition are small and unaffected by rewards
Hyosub E. Kim, Darius E. Parvin, and Richard B. Iv.
Task dependent modulation of implicit visuomotor adaptation. Neural Control of Movement 2018
Darius E. Parvin, J. Ryan Morehead, Alissa R. Stover, Kristy V. Dang, Richard B. Ivry
Exploring the relationship between motor planning and initiation. Society for Neuroscience 2017.
Teman J.R.S., Ivry R.B., Greenhouse I.
Task Dependent Modulation of Adaptation. Society for Neuroscience 2017
Parvin D.E., Morehead J.R., Stover A.R., Kristy V. Dang, Ivry R. B.
Target size effects on sensorimotor adaptation. Society for Neuroscience 2017
Kim H.E., Parvin D.E., Hernandez M.A., Ivry R.B.
Corticospinal inhibition during response preparation is abnormal in Parkinson’s disease Society for Neuroscience 2017
Greenhouse I. & Ivry R.B.
Task dependent modulation of implicit visuomotor adaptation. Neural Control of Movement 2017
Parvin D. E., Morehead J.R., Stover A.R., Ivry R. B.
Target size modulates motor adaptation from sensory prediction errors. Neural Control of Movement 2017
Kim H.E., Parvin D.E., Ivry R.B.
Behavioral changes induced by sensory prediction errors in the absence of task performance errors: Implications for models of sensorimotor adaptation. Society for Neuroscience 2016
Kim H.E., Morehead J.R., Parvin D.E., Moazzezi R., Dixon T.C., Ivry R.B.
Reinforcement learning is not directly modulated by sensory prediction errors. Society for Neuroscience 2016
Parvin D. E., Boggess M. J.,Mcdougle S. D., Taylor J. A., Ivry R. B.
A Comparison of Widespread Motor Inhibition During Movement Preparation and Stopping Society for Neuroscience 2016
Greenhouse I., Cao L., Labruna L., Ivry R.B.
Individual differences in cortical GABA concentrations and motor excitability. Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2015
Greenhouse I., Noah I., Maddock R.J., Ivry R.B.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation measures of intrinsic motor system excitability and task-based inhibition exhibit intra-subject stability across weeks
Greenhouse I., King M., Ivry R.B.
Disrupted feedforward but spared feedback control during speech in patients with cerebellar degeneration. Society for Neuroscience 2015
Parrell, B., Houde, J., Nagarajan, S., Ivry R. B.
Individual differences in TMS sensitivity influence the effect of tDCS in a motor adaptation task. Society for Neuroscience 2015
Labruna L., Dabit, M., Vanderschelden, B., Stark-Inbar, A., Nitsche, M., Ivry R. B.
Compensating for a visuomotor rotation in the absence of sensory prediction errors. Society for Neuroscience 2015
Parvin D. E., Morehead J.R., Bonyadi S., Ivry R. B.
Reaching for a Good Aiming Strategy in People with Cerebellar Degeneration. Society for Neuroscience 2015
Morehead J.R., Taylor, J. A., Ivry R.B.
Intrinsic biases systematically affect visuomotor adaptation experiments. Neural Control of Movement 2015
Morehead J.R., Ivry R.B.
Signatures of nonspecific motor inhibition during response preparation. Society for Neuroscience 2014
Greenhouse I., Sias A., Labruna L., Ivry R.B.
_Aftereffect Size in Visuomotor Adaptation is Dependent on the Learning Context. Society for Neuroscience 2014
Morehead J.R., Silversmith D., Marrone E., Ivry R.B.
Illusory differences in movement variability and learning rates as a function of movement amplitude. Neural Control of Movement 2014
Morehead J.R., Ivry R.B.
Intact Savings in Patients with Cerebellar Degeneration. Computational Motor Control Workshop 2014
Morehead J.R., Taylor J.A., Ivry R.B.
Specificity of Visuomotor Adaptation to Movement Dynamics. Society for Neuroscience 2014
Crossley M.J., Fan J.L., Ivry R.B.
Perceptual Consequences of Delaying the Post-saccadic Target
Parsons B., Ivry R.B.
A Target is Not Necessary for Visuomotor Adaptation. Neural Control of Movement 2013
Morehead J.R., Ivry R.B.
Within-Session Savings in Visuomotor Adaptation Depends on Perturbation Magnitude. Society for Neuroscience 2013
Morehead J.R., Qasim S., Crossley M.J., Ivry R.B.
Inhibitory processes during response preparation are present in muscles involved in volitional actions, but not in postural stability. Society for Neuroscience 2013
Labruna L., Paluy M., Vanderschelden B., Greenhouse I., Ivry R.B.
The role of error-based and reward-based mechanisms in a motor learning task. Society for Neuroscience 2013
Hillenbrand S., Okpara K., & Ivry, R.B.
Good (and bad) learners: behavioral and neuroimaging evaluation of individual differences in motor learning. Society for Neuroscience 2013
Stark-Inbar1 A., Berkowitz O.J., Ivry R.B.
Najafi, T.*, Tsay J.S.*, Schuck, L., Wang, T., Ivry R.B. Parkinson's disease does not impair implicit sensorimotor adaptation. Harvard Trends in Psychology Summit 2021 (poster)
Chandy, A., Tsay J.S., Wang, T., Wang, Z., Ivry R.B., Morehead J.R. Motor Biases are Persistent and Consistent. Harvard Trends in Psychology Summit 2021 (poster)
Saban, W., Ivry, R. PONT: A Protocol for Online Neuropsychological Testing. BeOnline 2021 (video)
Wang, T., Avraham, G., Tsay, J.S., Ivry, R.B. Implicit adaptation is attenuated by variability in feedback timing. Neural Control of Movement 2021 (poster + supplementary, video)
Tsay, J.S., Kim, H.E., Haith, A.M., Ivry R.B. Sensory re-alignment model. Neural Control of Movement 2021 (poster + supplementary)
Avraham, G., Pakzad S.S., Ivry R.B. Revisiting sensitivity of implicit visuomotor adaptation to errors of varying magnitude. Neural Control of Movement 2021 (poster, supplementary, video)
Avraham G., Parvin D. E., Kim H. E., Morehead J. R., Ivry R. B. Desensitization upon Relearning for Implicit Sensorimotor Adaptation. Society for Neuroscience 2019
Merrick, C. M., Dixon, T. C., Lin, J. J., Chang, E. F., Carmena, J. M., Knight, R. T., & Ivry, R. B. Kinematic encoding model of ECoG activity in the contralateral and ipsilateral hemisphere during a reaching task. Society for Neuroscience 2019.
Tsay, J., King, M., McDougle, S., Pitt, B., Ivry, R. Continuous Representational Transformation: Evidence that the Cerebellum Coordinates Movement on the Mental Number-line. Society for Neuroscience 2019.
Avraham G., Taylor J. A., Ivry R. B., McDougle S. M. Is Visuomotor Adaptation Classical Conditioning? Neural Control of Movement 2019
Tsay, J., Avraham, G., Parvin, D., Wang, Z., Kim, H., Ivry, R. The Effect of Visual Uncertainty on Implicit Motor Adaptation. Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2019.
Awareness of implicit adaptation during reaching. Society for Neuroscience 2018
Darius E. Parvin, Jonathan Tsay, Odeya Kagan, Richard B. Ivry
A Multi-Domain Task Battery Reveals the Functional Topography of the Human Cerebellum. Society for Neuroscience 2018.
King, M., Ivry, R.B., Diedrichsen, J.
Savings for Implicit Adaptation to Small Errors. Society for Neuroscience 2018.
Guy Avraham, Darius E. Parvin, Hyosub E. Kim, Richard B. Ivry
Striatal prediction errors in a decision-making task are modulated by action execution failures.
Society for Neuroscience 2018.
Samuel D. McDougle, Peter A. Butcher, Darius E. Parvin, Faisal Mushtaq, Yael Niv, Richard B. Ivry, & Jordan A. Taylor
Use-dependent biases due to movement repetition are small and unaffected by rewards
Hyosub E. Kim, Darius E. Parvin, and Richard B. Iv.
Task dependent modulation of implicit visuomotor adaptation. Neural Control of Movement 2018
Darius E. Parvin, J. Ryan Morehead, Alissa R. Stover, Kristy V. Dang, Richard B. Ivry
Exploring the relationship between motor planning and initiation. Society for Neuroscience 2017.
Teman J.R.S., Ivry R.B., Greenhouse I.
Task Dependent Modulation of Adaptation. Society for Neuroscience 2017
Parvin D.E., Morehead J.R., Stover A.R., Kristy V. Dang, Ivry R. B.
Target size effects on sensorimotor adaptation. Society for Neuroscience 2017
Kim H.E., Parvin D.E., Hernandez M.A., Ivry R.B.
Corticospinal inhibition during response preparation is abnormal in Parkinson’s disease Society for Neuroscience 2017
Greenhouse I. & Ivry R.B.
Task dependent modulation of implicit visuomotor adaptation. Neural Control of Movement 2017
Parvin D. E., Morehead J.R., Stover A.R., Ivry R. B.
Target size modulates motor adaptation from sensory prediction errors. Neural Control of Movement 2017
Kim H.E., Parvin D.E., Ivry R.B.
Behavioral changes induced by sensory prediction errors in the absence of task performance errors: Implications for models of sensorimotor adaptation. Society for Neuroscience 2016
Kim H.E., Morehead J.R., Parvin D.E., Moazzezi R., Dixon T.C., Ivry R.B.
Reinforcement learning is not directly modulated by sensory prediction errors. Society for Neuroscience 2016
Parvin D. E., Boggess M. J.,Mcdougle S. D., Taylor J. A., Ivry R. B.
A Comparison of Widespread Motor Inhibition During Movement Preparation and Stopping Society for Neuroscience 2016
Greenhouse I., Cao L., Labruna L., Ivry R.B.
Individual differences in cortical GABA concentrations and motor excitability. Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2015
Greenhouse I., Noah I., Maddock R.J., Ivry R.B.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation measures of intrinsic motor system excitability and task-based inhibition exhibit intra-subject stability across weeks
Greenhouse I., King M., Ivry R.B.
Disrupted feedforward but spared feedback control during speech in patients with cerebellar degeneration. Society for Neuroscience 2015
Parrell, B., Houde, J., Nagarajan, S., Ivry R. B.
Individual differences in TMS sensitivity influence the effect of tDCS in a motor adaptation task. Society for Neuroscience 2015
Labruna L., Dabit, M., Vanderschelden, B., Stark-Inbar, A., Nitsche, M., Ivry R. B.
Compensating for a visuomotor rotation in the absence of sensory prediction errors. Society for Neuroscience 2015
Parvin D. E., Morehead J.R., Bonyadi S., Ivry R. B.
Reaching for a Good Aiming Strategy in People with Cerebellar Degeneration. Society for Neuroscience 2015
Morehead J.R., Taylor, J. A., Ivry R.B.
Intrinsic biases systematically affect visuomotor adaptation experiments. Neural Control of Movement 2015
Morehead J.R., Ivry R.B.
Signatures of nonspecific motor inhibition during response preparation. Society for Neuroscience 2014
Greenhouse I., Sias A., Labruna L., Ivry R.B.
_Aftereffect Size in Visuomotor Adaptation is Dependent on the Learning Context. Society for Neuroscience 2014
Morehead J.R., Silversmith D., Marrone E., Ivry R.B.
Illusory differences in movement variability and learning rates as a function of movement amplitude. Neural Control of Movement 2014
Morehead J.R., Ivry R.B.
Intact Savings in Patients with Cerebellar Degeneration. Computational Motor Control Workshop 2014
Morehead J.R., Taylor J.A., Ivry R.B.
Specificity of Visuomotor Adaptation to Movement Dynamics. Society for Neuroscience 2014
Crossley M.J., Fan J.L., Ivry R.B.
Perceptual Consequences of Delaying the Post-saccadic Target
Parsons B., Ivry R.B.
A Target is Not Necessary for Visuomotor Adaptation. Neural Control of Movement 2013
Morehead J.R., Ivry R.B.
Within-Session Savings in Visuomotor Adaptation Depends on Perturbation Magnitude. Society for Neuroscience 2013
Morehead J.R., Qasim S., Crossley M.J., Ivry R.B.
Inhibitory processes during response preparation are present in muscles involved in volitional actions, but not in postural stability. Society for Neuroscience 2013
Labruna L., Paluy M., Vanderschelden B., Greenhouse I., Ivry R.B.
The role of error-based and reward-based mechanisms in a motor learning task. Society for Neuroscience 2013
Hillenbrand S., Okpara K., & Ivry, R.B.
Good (and bad) learners: behavioral and neuroimaging evaluation of individual differences in motor learning. Society for Neuroscience 2013
Stark-Inbar1 A., Berkowitz O.J., Ivry R.B.